Tony and Anne’s Story

When I first sold this house to Anne you can see my little son in my arms. Now My son is a crazy 6 year old obsessed with superheroes. And things have changed for Anne and Tony too. Tony and Anne are no longer with us, they are now with the commonwealth bank and I couldn’t be more happy for them.

Tony are 2 hard working people with a strong sense of family, so strong in fact that they have 9 children!

I have 3 kids, and they are the joy of my wife and my life. But I know how much time
and well money they require.

It’s on days like these that I really feel a great sense of joy and pride
from what I do.

When Anne walked into this house in Wyoming, Central Coast she spoke to my wife through desperate tears. ‘I just feel like it’s meant to be’ she said ‘and I’m afraid that you’re not going to give the house to me…’

Anne told me some horror stories about previous houses that she has rented; ‘It’s so hard to find a place to rent when you have 9 children, realestate agents just don’t want to go near you, and you’re always living with this fear that we could be kicked out at anytime. We’ve always wanted to buy our own place and
have a stable base for our family but with 9 children, saving the kind of deposit that the bank needs was impossible. Tony and I have no problem making the payments, we just really needed someone to
give us a chance. Now life will be completely different for us, our kids are going to be more settled too now that they always have a home to come back to.’

Year passed, the children grew, some of Tony and Anne’s children became adults. And they made their payments for the house, on time every time. Tony kept in contact with his bank manager for 6 years. The bank manager could see the payment history for the house. And started to tell him that once his credit history cleared up he would approve a bank loan.

When Ton’y applied for a refinance to switch over from Rent to Own to a traditional bank loan he had his has valued. The price he had agreed to buy the house from us was $450K it now valued at $600K!

Just another example of how peoples life can be changed through Rent to Own.

To watch a video of their interview click link below

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